"PHOTO MEET & NORTHERN NARRATIVES have asked the author about his long term project and about his process. "Interview for Offspring Photo Meet(UK)
"Urge to Stay Connected"Interview for ARTIBOOKS(NL)
"Greece Week: Ilias Georgiadis - Over.State"Interview for LENSCRATCH(US)
“Χρειάζομαι τη φωτογραφία για να νιώθω ελεύθερος”Interview for PHOTOLOGIO(GR)
"I like small accidents and mistakes"Interview for DOFOTO SK journal(ENG)
"A Question About Fighting One’s Demons"Interview for Photographic Museum of Humanity(ENG)
"Ilias Georgiadis and the potency of blackness"Interview for und. Athens art journal(ENG)
"OverǀState, l’intima catarsi di Ilias Georgiadis"Interview for Octopus Art Magazine Roma(IT)